


文章若未特別註明,皆採用 知识共享许可协议 請自覺遵守






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而對可用性的擔心則是在於萬一服務器或DNS解析停止工作(比如沒有續費),那麼該如何將自己的數據導出並搬遷到其他地方則是一個很大的問題。雖然我每次發佈新的博文後都會wget -R一遍,但由於數據不是結構化存儲的,所以對於遷移到其他平臺的方便程度還是有所擔心的。(很神奇的是,這麼多年過去了,這個網站居然還在正常工作。)


  1. 靜態網站託管服務有很多,而且再度遷移的成本很低;
  2. 數據是純文本,放在自己手裏,可以用git之類管理,分佈式保存,基本不用擔心丟失。





前些日子終於將之前發佈在wikiblog上的文章(主要是Rust教程相關幾篇)轉移至了Pelican下,故而正式決定要將博客遷至新地址: https://renyuneyun.gitlab.io/ 。同時,之前的wikiblog也將廢棄。



2019-04-08: 本文亦在我的新博客









The Federation與The Fediverse


一般來說,在OStatus協議(及其衍生協議)下的系統(組成的網絡)被統稱爲The Fediverse;Diaspora協議下的系統(組成的網絡)被稱爲The Federation。


但事實上,如圖中所示,不像商業網絡,The Fediverse和The Federation並非涇渭分明——許多系統同時支持這兩者。比如上面提到但沒有分類的Friendica就同時支持兩個網絡;HubZilla在支持自己的Zot網絡之外,也同時支持這兩者。

之所以最初有協議的分別,除了(不知道有沒有)純粹的感情因素以外,系統的目的是影響協議設計的主要區別。其中,OStatus協議設計爲微博客使用;Diaspora協議被設計來服務更偏Facebook的展板/貼子型社交網絡。於是,The Federation中系統的UI設計脫則胎於Twitter;The Fediverse中系統的UI設計則更偏向Facebook。

OStatus協議這邊稍有更多歷史可講:OStatus協議是GNU Social整合了StatusNet之後爲StatusNet協議改名的產物;而後來,Pump.io在OStatus的基礎上進行了一定改動形成了自己的協議。在2012年冬天之後,OStatus主要被一個W3C工作組維護;而後來,W3C成立了W3C Federated Social Web Working Group,並基於Pump.io的協議制定了新的ActivityPub協議,用以取代OStatus(參考自這裏)。







HubZilla是一個比較獨特的系統:它沒有選擇使用OStatus或Diaspora協議,而是自己提出了新的Zot協議。就我個人瞭解來看,Zot並不是僅僅另一個協議:Zot最爲標彰的特點是所謂nomadic identity,這一點在其他協議(包括ActivityPub)中並不存在。

簡單來說,nomadic identity允許兩件事:

  • 使用站點A的身份去登錄站點B(同樣,不需要在B上創建賬戶,數據仍然存在A上)
  • 當有需要時,將站點A的身份(包括內容)整個克隆至站點B,並且所有關注了A站點身份的人將自動轉向關注站點B的身份


  • 遠程認證這點省去了每次遇到新網站均需要重新註冊賬號的麻煩
    • 多年來(大約四年),我一直在(時不時)尋找遠程登錄的機制,而找到的最佳機制是OpenID一類。然而,且不說我至今都沒有弄明白的OpenID版本,OpenID在多數網站上仍然被作爲一種SSO實現:之前提過,SSO本質上也是重新註冊。
  • 身份的轉移則是更多考慮站點切換的問題
    • 由於允許身份轉移,vender locking的情況會大大降低,迫使服務提供方不能選擇壓榨用戶
    • 在特殊情況下(比如站點不再維護),身份的轉移降低了遷移成本


一篇文章中,HubZilla直接被稱爲 全包平臺 ,體現了HubZilla的壯志/野心:HubZilla希望(Zot協議)成爲基礎,並且在其上構建各種服務,包括SNS、論壇、數據存儲……



我個人最近嘗試過Mastodon、Diaspora*、HubZilla,印象中以前也試過pump.io以及GNU Social但記憶不是很深刻。




HubZilla則是一個全功能的平臺,可以當微博客、長文型社交網絡、相冊、論壇……需要注意的是,HubZilla將每一 頻道 作爲一個主體(每個賬號可以建立多個channel,彼此默認獨立),並且以頻道作爲管理單位。我也試過其nomadic identity,遷移自己的頻道並且保持聯動的更新,其效果的確符合預期。 然而HubZilla的界面看起來總有一種奇怪的簡陋感,即使其每個元素並不給人這種感覺。或許自定義主題後會有所改進,但我僅僅嘗試了默認提供的數套主題。


  • HubZilla和Mastodon
    • HubZilla可以輕易關注Mastodon上的人(以SOME_ONE@MASTODON.INSTANCE形式增加 連接
    • Mastodon上可直接搜索HubZilla上的人(只要該HubZilla實例支持和Mastodon互聯,一般爲ActivityPub協議)
    • HubZilla上以MASTODON.INSTANCE/SOME_ONE形式關注Mastodon上的人似乎有問題,其頭像右下角會顯示“禁止”圖標
  • HubZilla關注Daspora*上的人似乎需要對方的審覈(會在其頭像右下角顯示一個“禁止”圖標)




2019-04-08: 本文亦在我的新博客



在今年Increase Rust's Reach中,我參與Rust新網站的i18n及l10n。其中新網站要基於Rocket構建,所以也就(跟着官方教程)學習了一下Rocket。 既然學了,就順便記錄一點心得和體會,以方便後來者。

Rocket是一個 web框架 。我個人對web編程(尤前端)並不太感興趣(主要是感到 web技術棧 太過麻煩/複雜),所以涉及不太多,之前也只用過Python那邊的Flask以及(一小段時間)Django以及Go自帶的http服務器,故而本文不怎麼會涉及和其他web框架的對比。



類似我之前用過的框架,Rocket也將函數作爲不同的路由的處理器。Rocket在每個函數之前使用形如#[get("/myroute")] 屬性 作爲標記,之後在Rocket入口對象/結構體上對所需要的路由(函數)進行mount即可。

fn index() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

fn main() {
        .mount("/", routes![index])



  • Rocket不使用全局的app對象
  • 路由可以定義但不掛載


  • 在Rocket中,函數是處理路由的全部,不需要使用如flask中魔法一般的全局request對象;
  • 函數的參數和屬性中的設定共同決定了路由是否匹配,手動類型的優勢在這裏有所體現;
  • 各種(預定義或自定義的) 請求哨衛 可以被添加到函數參數表中參與決定路由的匹配性;
  • 使用 整流器 在請求到達前或應答發送時對請求或應答進行調整;
  • 使用State做狀態存儲,以便的確需要“全局”變量的情況。


Rocket通過在屬性上設定不同的HTTP方法以及URL段來做匹配。 具體細節見官方文檔,這裏僅做摘要:

  • 常見HTTP方法均被支持,只是每次只能設定一個方法
  • 在未定義時,HEAD請求會被自動轉到相應的GET請求上(不過會刪除應答體)
  • 表單首個字段爲_method時,POST請求會被自動重譯爲相應的請求
    • 該設定是爲了方便瀏覽器,畢竟瀏覽器通常只有GET和POST

在路由的URL上,可以設定將部分(或全部) 注入到函數的對應參數中。Rocket會自動進行類型轉換,且僅匹配轉換成功的路由。

fn hello(name: String, age: u8, cool: bool) -> String {
    if cool {
        format!("You're a cool {} year old, {}!", age, name)
    } else {
        format!("{}, we need to talk about your coolness.", name)


自定義類型也可用在路由匹配中,只要其實現了FromParam trait即可。



Rocket不要求路由函數的返回值是一個HTTP應答(Response),而是通過Responder機制方便編程:路由函數的返回值需要是一個實現了Responder trait的類型,而Rocket負責調用Responder的相關函數將路由函數的返回值轉換爲HTTP應答。這樣,在Rocket中我們便可以用String等類型作爲函數返回值。


  • 應答包裝器 可以包含其他Responder,並且執行自己的修改
    • status可以覆蓋應答中的狀態代碼
    • content可以覆蓋應答中的Content-Type字段
    • Error(我沒嘗試過,所以直接鏈接至官方文檔)
  • String&str會被作爲應答體,且Content-Type會被設置爲text/plain
  • Option是應答包裝器,Option<T>T需要實現Responder
    • 當是Some時,其內容將會被作爲應答
    • 當是None時,返回404
  • Result是應答包裝器,且其功能取決於E是否實現Responder
    • E實現了Responder,則該Result會被作爲應答(無論是Ok還是Err
    • E沒有實現Responder,則Ok會被作爲應答,但Err會被記錄在終端中且返回500



作爲一個web框架,提供對網頁模板的支持幾乎是理所應當。Rocket本身提供了Template機制,而在rocket_contrib crate中提供了一些特定模板支持。


fn index() -> Template {
    let context = /* object-like value */;
    Template::render("index", &context)

Rocket不限制使用何種模板,但官方文檔提到了.hbs Handlebars和.tera Tera。而Rocket的Template機制之所以有效,還需要整流器的幫助——所以需要在Rocket實例上.attach(Template::fairing());以便可以正確使用模板。




  • 整流器不能終止或直接響應請求
  • 整流器不能任意注入非請求數據至請求中
  • 整流器可以阻止程序的啓動
  • 整流器可以修改程序的配置


  • 整流器應當只用於“全局”適用的東西(比如做日誌)
  • 更多時候,需要的其實是 請求哨衛 數據哨衛
  • 整流器按順序執行,所以.attach()的順序需要注意


這裏的“全局”指的是Rocket之內,在各個路由中共享數據。由於路由是由Rocket管理的,故而其參數表中沒辦法添加更多參數;而Rust又沒有全局變量(即使有也不符合美感),故而Rocket提供的 狀態 機制可謂實用非常。Rocket官方教程中也教導使用狀態來管理數據庫連接。

使用上,狀態同樣通過 請求哨衛 機制,作爲路由函數的參數。任何類型的數據均可作爲State,且不需要額外實現任何東西。唯一的要求就是在Rocket實例載入時要求管理狀態


struct HitCount {
    count: AtomicUsize

    .manage(HitCount { count: AtomicUsize::new(0) });


fn count(hit_count: State<HitCount>) -> String {
    let current_count = hit_count.count.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
    format!("Number of visits: {}", current_count)

fn state(hit_count: State<HitCount>, config: State<Config>) -> T { ... }


另外,在自定義的 請求哨衛 中,也可以使用狀態

fn from_request(req: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<T, ()> {
    let hit_count_state = req.guard::<State<HitCount>>()?;
    let current_count = hit_count_state.count.load(Ordering::Relaxed);





  • Django(2013年底或2014年初)
    • 框架內耦合性太強,但框架的手又過長
    • 什麼都想讓框架承包,初學者用起來束手束腳
      • 當然,也可以說是我還沒有體會到Django的好處。但我實在是對封閉花園式的東西感到反感,所以不見得可以體會到Django的妙處
    • 而且當年對Py3的支持還不怎麼樣,但我又恰恰想用Py3
  • Go(2015年)
    • Go的自帶http庫直接將請求和應答對象作爲參數傳入,手動解析很難受
    • Go的html模板是語言提供的,靈活度上讓我懷疑
    • 當時(2015年)查過其他的go語言web框架,比較看好的有beego以及另一個想不起來名稱的。但其教程寫得並不如人意(不如我意),又由於當年需求十分簡單,所以直接裸上語言庫
  • Flask(2016年)
    • Flask要使用全局的app對象和db對象,設計上很詭異
    • Flask要使用魔法一般的request對象,總讓人覺得不安心
      • 且request對象暴露太多內容,類似Go用http庫的感覺(和使用Android的Context對象的感覺很像)

然而,我對Rocket的部分trait和/或類型設計仍有疑惑,還在尋找解決方案的過程中。 另外,我暫時還沒有在Rust中使用過數據庫連接,所以無法對其聯合使用後的手感做出評價。 但綜合來看,Rocket的設計可以說是我所用過的所有框架中最符合我心意的框架;而且它的設計理念可以說符合了我對web框架所構想的所有主要要求。如果不是因爲Rust仍算小衆,Rocket的用戶量和教程量應當早就超過現有的數量了吧(2018-08-02 Google搜“Rust Rocket 教程”,得到11,200條結果)。


Yu Yan Wen Zi (Chinese)

(This article is the English translation of my another post 語言文字.)

Whenever we talk about China, we usually have some thoughts about "long history", "continous civilization" or so; we are proud of this undoubtedly. The main reason we say that Chinese civilization is continous compared to other antient civilizations is that the language never cut off.


From the Seal Script to Clerical Script and from Clerical Script to Regular Script, the historians tell us the scripts/glyphs (i.e. the written part of the Chinese language) linearly derives from the same origin; although the appearance differs a lot, the Oracle Bone Script (discovered in the 20th century) still shows the same thread. After the set up of the Regular Script, the biggest change is the so-called Simplified Chinese, but it still lies in Regular Script. This is what everyone knows: we even feel our ears have been grinded to emerge cocoon. However, intentionally or unintentionally, we seem to forget that "Yu Wen" (Chinese) is "Yu Yan" (vocal form) "Wen Zi" (written form) -- except for the written part, there is still the vocal part.

Yes, the change of vocal form is harder to record compared to the written form -- there are handwrittings, records and materials and it can be written or drawn; however it's almost impossible to record the voice during the era without phonograph. The ancestors tried best only to do transliteration/transcript and/or record analogue voices -- this may be the only pity of our logogram / logographic language. Luckily, the ancient pronunciation is not entirely buried under time: phonologists figuried out some methods to try to capture the original form of the ancient pronounciations -- by using books like 《廣韻》, with the 反切 notations accummulated during history (by ancient people), and rhythmic literals like poems. My understanding towards this direction only goes as far as here, but at least I capture one important message: there are patterns and threads in the pronunciation change.

This understanding facilitates my point of view towards the present standard Chinese (i.e. Mandarin). Like what I answered in the Zhihu question《为什么角色的角念jue,却仍有人念Jiao ?》:

Instead of the view of most people that "pronunciation is always changing so there is nothing to keep an eye on", my point of view is that "some pronunciations are acceptable (i.e. follows the evolution pattern), while some are not acceptable (i.e. violates the evolution pattern and does randomly)", and I believe that "the official standard should keep a balance".

The foundation of this point of view is that: language is the tool of communications, but it is not only for the communication of people within the same era, but also across the river of time. The best choice is, apparently, to satisfy both, but if not possible, try to satisfy as much as possible and choose the one which does less "harm". However, unfortunately, people / organizations tend to, for most cases, choose to satisfy the contemporary needs -- anyway who they deal with is the people of current era, not the ancestors or descendants.

Today, when I read an article titled 《说shuō客?坐骑qí?我怕是上了个假学!》 which (again) lists what the National Language Working Commission (I used its old name, Language Reform Commission, for a derogatory sense) does to the pronunciation standards, I feel both rejoice and helpless: the LRC is still what the LRC was -- brain-damaged and doing nothing useful.

What the LRC does mostly in recent years is changing the pronuncations of some characters in Mandarin. The goal is, with no exception, to "accord with the public understanding", which simply means "if a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth". This is, apparently, a method with no regards to the history, and I'm afraid it has little influence towards the communications between contenporary people. The self-learning ability of people is far better than what the bureaucrats in LRC imagine -- we can figure out and understand that two different pronunciations possibily refer to the same word, and we can "ask" even if we don't understand. If you argue that what the LRC does is to reduce the burden of students (especially those before college), this is the biggest joke of the world. There is also some (not a small portion of) people who don't possess the same pronunciation as the "standard" (because of dialect, mis-hearing, following the historical pronunciation, etc.), so there is always the need to teach about the "standard" in primary, secondary and high school; since there is the need to teach about the "standard", the effort is always needed, and time consumptions is always needed. It doesn't make any sense to consider whether there are more students or less students who need to work hard to memorize the standard (because this is not possible due to the variety).

That article specifically points out one case: some "standard" has changed from "follow the history evolution" to "accord with public" (set aside whether the sample is typical or not) and then back to "follow the history evolution". This demonstrates again that the LRC has no consensus about what the standard should be.


Of course, it seems that the article 《说shuō客?坐骑qí?我怕是上了个假学!》 possesses a ridicule attitude towards that "the public requires to keep the previous standard of the pronunciation" -- (I think) the author would either think that the pronunciation only needs to suit contemporary needs, or is just ridiculing habitually. First of all, the author seems to consider that we could only choose either to be completely unchanged or to change arbitrarily. Secondly, the author argues that the public's attitude towards pronunciation standard is "to support what fits my habit, to oppose what doesn't" -- this is shown from the fact that the author lists, for many times, how the public reacts to the "previous" change of pronunciation standard and even meaning and concludes that the public has no objection. Finally, the author seems to believe that people, i.e. the public, is only the (passive) acceptor of pronunciation standard change, and all what will be changed solely depends on the bureaucrats of LRC.

However, for all these three points, I beg to differ.

As stated previously, the choice of pronunciation should be a trade-off procedure, and it should "try to satisfy as much as possible and choose the one which does less 'harm'". The crucial point is neither to consider to change or not to change, nor to consider whom to listen to -- it is to find the balance between history (both retrospective and prospective) and contemporary era. Still, as stated above, whichever the standard is won't make a significant impact of the current era, so I believe history shoule be placed extra emphasis on. The reaction (of standard change) of contenporaries is foreseeable: some (but will never be "most", as long as the change is reasonable) people will oppose. Therefore, why doesn't the people who make the standard issue the reason at the same time? People are not idiots and we can reason about things. As long as the change is reasonable, most people will agree.

The author seems to be unaware that in some parts of the WWW, many people are discovering and researching about the original meaning of words and proper pronunciation of characters, and they spontaneously sum up the law and keep telling other people what these things should be like. Maybe the author considers the number of these people is too few, but what I saw is that the number is increasing and more and more people accepted the dissemination of the "proper". Possibily because this process moisturizes things in silence, the author may, probably, have already seen the outcomes of it, but was unaware where this came from.

Then, for the people who makes the standard, LRC as mentioned, I will sneer at them as always. If they agreed with the people's republic, instead of being sinecures, LRC should be cautious and conscientious, seek for balance between now and history, and detail that to people; if they were composed of the scholar-officials (like in the antient time), LRC should insist on the history, rather than changing back and force. Whichever form they were supposed to be, LRC didn't do the right thing, so they ought to accept my ridicule. And either in the ancient time or in mordern time, either in the East or the West, the government is supposed to listen to or be operated by the people. Now the fact that some departments of the government doesn't perform in accordance is not the reason we agree with them -- on the contrary, this is the reason that we should work harder to point out and combat.